Saturday, February 24, 2007


How this blog came about. My husband is a very private person. (Those who know him will realize what an understatement this is. :) I tease him all the time. Anything he does out of the ordinary, he always threatens me with "You better not tell anybody about this!" I am not a very private person, or we would not be here right? So, once in a while I tell our kids one of the funny things their Dad had done or messed up, etc. much to his chagrin. He along with millions of American men think of the bathroom as "the reading room." Well, in our little bathroom next to our bedroom, the vanity is evidently comfortably close to the throne. On some of his middle of the night trips, Papa manages to fall asleep with his head resting on the edge of the vanity. You can imagine what a dent he wakes up with in his forehead! The first time I repeated this to the kids I know he wanted to sink under the table. But the laughter was contagious and he just had to join in. One day we went into Wal-Mart Vision center because his glasses frames had broken. Our budget was rather tight at the time; so, he was afraid of the cost of having to get a complete new set of glasses. The lady assisted us and found a frame that matched his. When she walked away to repair the glasses, I looked over and Papa was almost teary eyed with joy because he could get his glasses that day. I started laughing and he immediately said, "Don't you dare tell anyone!" I looked at him and said, "I am not only going to tell someone, I am going to tell EVERYONE!!!" So, now I have. :)

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