Monday, July 16, 2007


OK folks, "The War!" Do I believe George got us into the war for the reasons originally expressed? No. I do have a couple of active brain cells left. Do I think we should drop everything, just leave their country and come on home now? Not! Now we have a moral responsibility to the people of Iraq, those everyday folks just like us, to try and get things to some kind of normal for them to resume their lives in safety.

Is George's present course of action going to accomplish this? No. Apparently not, as it has not helped up to this point. What to do? Do we call on the UN to help? Well, they did such a good job in Bosnia, Ruwanda, and now in the Sudan.....maybe not. Maybe George could get a coalition of countries in the actual region of Iraq, including those difficult to deal with (darn those pesky folks) and work together with them using some of Condi's famous political savvy. George could pull out all the stops (shocking the world no doubt) and base the negotiations on his self-professed Christian beliefs of love, forgiveness and grace.

Or at least the negotiations could be focused on real internal issues important to the residents of the region and country. Folks in Iraq just want to go the grocery store more than one person once a week for an entire block without fear of getting killed. They would like their lights to work and their kids to be able to go out into the yards and play. They want the same things we do. They want not to be afraid. They want to see their children grow up laughing and free just like we do. This is more basic than politics folks, cut to the chase! Am I saying this is easy? No, nothing important ever is. (Matthew 19:26)